Unemployed? On a benefit?

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Unemployed? On a benefit? No problem!  Phone us or drop in and we’ll help you with the paperwork you need for WINZ to get approval for a bond and ongoing accommodation costs.

The Waitakere WINZ Branch is the closest branch to Western Park Village.

We have a range of accommodation options to suit all budgets.  Plus: power and water are included, so you never have to worry about any more bills!

Many of our new tenants have fallen on tough times and need a hand to get back on their feet again.  We’ve recently opened a new facility call ‘The Hub’.  Located in the Village, The Hub is offers residents free telephone, computer and Internet access, coordinated support services, other activities and, importantly, a place to meet.

The Village is a very social environment; there’s always someone to talk to, an often people in similar situations.  Below is what a few of our tenants said – read more about them here

“The Village is great for socialising.  I like keep myself occupied and the Village keeps me busy!”  Hinemotu Oka hinemotu

“I’ve two boys aged one and four, my youngest was even born here!  The Village is a family friendly, multicultural environment; there’s always someone to help and I feel very secure here.  I’m proud to call the Village home!” Raewyn Matthews

“I love the people here.  I’ve made new friends and found work by getting to know my neighbours.” Frank Macindoe